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Apps Like Meetup

Apps Like Meetup

If you’re a community builder, organizer, or group admin you may have struggled with the challenges of organizing events, keeping your contacts organized, and keeping your members engaged. You may have also tried which is a great social networking software that is designed to help members ‘Meet Up’. Over the years, WeWork has taken over the company and there is not as much activity or enthusiasm as their once was to continue to develop new Features into Meetup. Increased censorship combined with a slow down in new features have been causing meetup organizers to desperately search for a meetup software alternative. Knowing this is of concern to community organizers, we have compiled a list of the best apps like meetup there are.

Network Builder

  1. – Network Builder is a private social networking system that you can customize to keep your audience automatically engaged and also helps you get the word out about your events. Network Builder was founded by Matt Winters, a long time community builder of 10 years. Having hosted over 800 events, he knew the challenges organizers go through when gathering people, promoting and hosting events, including managing lists. Matt sought to provide organizers the mobile-ready tools they need to make their life easier in the event hosting space. Try Network Builder by contacting them at [email protected] or visit to get started with your free trial today.


3. – LinkedIn began in co-founder Reid Hoffman’s living room in 2002 and was officially launched on May 5, 2003.
Today, LinkedIn leads a diversified business with revenues from membership subscriptions, advertising sales and recruitment solutions under the leadership of Ryan Roslansky. In December 2016, Microsoft completed its acquisition of LinkedIn, bringing together the world’s leading professional cloud and the world’s leading professional network.

4. Shapr

5. Bumble Bizz

6. Bizabo




If you’re looking for a meetup app alternative, consider for your custom community building needs.