How To Join or Start a Network Builder Group

What is this software? Network Builder is a software CRM and Lead Generation tool that introduces a group of professionals together that need each other’s services.
Are you already a Member looking for how to get login to your Network Builder account?

To log into your account click here: or you can click the ‘login’ button in the upper right corner of the website at any time.

How do I see a demo? You can join the active Austin, TX  Network to see how the system works live here :  Or you can schedule a live demo here with the founder of Network Builder, Matt Winters — Call, Text : 512-591-8024  Email : [email protected]


——–  How to Sign Up for an Upgraded Paid Network Builder Account —————

Step 1) How do I buy ? –  Go to to get started. To create your own networking group. You can , select your plan to get started.

After that import your contacts to get everyone meeting. Make sure you’re logged out. Go here :  here
So I recommend signing up with your email instead of a facebook or linkedin login so you can share this account with others as you wish more easily.
Sign up for the Silver or Gold.
Step 2)  If you already have an account login here, if you don’t already have an account click the ‘Sign Up’ link below
Step 3) Enter your payment information
– If you already have an account and you’re trying to upgrade, you can 1. Login to your Network Builder Account 2. Make sure your account is in Organizer Mode which is found in the upper right corner menu, then click ‘Membership & Billing’
3. Click the Upgrade button. 4. Select your plan and enter your payment information. 5. You’ve successfully upgrade your account. Any questions about this process or experiencing problems email me [email protected]

How does it work? It email introduces professionals to others in need of their services up to 2 times a week. To get started, simply generate a group using the Network Builder Software, then email, text, your group link to your audience. Encourage professionals and prospects to join your group link so they can get automatically introduced to each other.

How do I log back into my account after creation? Go to and click ‘login’ in the upper right corner or go to

Detailed Feature Tutorial about how to join network builder : You can see a demo overview of all the features here. Don’t have time to watch
the entire video? Here’s a quick paragraph of text that summarizes the entire video if you want to get started right away.

Quick Lesson – Starting your own Network Builder Group.
You log into . The login button gets you to the app. Once in the app you can create your own group by switching into organizer mode. If you followed the links above you will be in member mode. In member mode you can join other groups, receive and review match introductions to other members within that group. And receive event invitations from the organizer, and access a membership directory. Overall so people can connect with something outside the control and limitations of other social platforms. — When you’re in organizer mode you can create a group and if you accept the default ‘skills’ or match criteria people will be matched based on job titles. For example if a new member is looking to meet a lawyer and they sign up selecting this on their profile they will get priority matched with lawyers. — If you the organizer want, you can customize the match names to be anything so you can match niche or specialty lawyers with other specialty lawyers. — Each match gets your branding at the bottom of their email they receive weekly. When you create a group there is a signature line. Whatever you place in there, will appear below everyone’s email match introductions. Once your group is made you copy the link and pass the link out to anyone you want to join your group. Then later you can email your entire group through the system or message specific members, and host events, search through the membership directory. The organizer gets access to more information about how each user filled out their profile. They can also export some of that data too into a spreadsheet. Enjoy! You can watch the video below or email [email protected] for any questions and we’ll help you get started or help you customize this software for your situation.

Key Benefits: 
  • Makes you $$ – Generates leads for your business and your prospects businesses
  • Keeps your audience warm – Keeps you in touch with your audience and prospects .
  • Save Time – Minimizes need for you to personally facilitate 1on1 connections between your network. People self serve their own introductions.
  • Branding – Keeps you top of mind. Your contact info will be on users emails they receive each week.
  • Backup – This software automatically backs up and allows you to export emails, linkedin data of your contacts into a spreadsheet to help you with additional marketing campaigns.
  • Warms New Prospects –  Serves as a lead generation funnel to warm cold prospects into a continuous conversation about your business.
  • You become the center of attention and the focus point of conversations. People will contact you once they are ready to buy.

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    How Do I Get Started and Use Network Builder?

    (Let’s say that I’m an Automotive Dealership or Real Estate Agency)

    Getting started is easy and straightforward.  Step by step – How to Get Started and Use Network Builder :

    A motor company has an email account, linkedin or facebook account. They can use this as a login.
    They click the login button which leads them here
    Then they can click on that page a hyperlink that says ‘Sign Up’
    After they sign up. They flip into organizer mode using the menu in the upper right hand corner
    This brings them to their dashboard. They press the ‘Create Group’ Button on the upper right.
    Here you create a group, name it, describe it. Then list the skills you want people to select when they are matching with each other.
    Every new member that joins your group will be introduced to another already joined member of that group per the match criteria they select
    in this ‘list of skills’ area. You can even type in your own criteria. For example by default people are matched by job skill/job title/occupation, but
    if you wish they could be matched by interest and/or location instead. Just whatever the organizer types into this box, joining members will be able to select from. A new member basically says I am ‘These qualities or I have this.. and I need to match with someone that has these other qualities. Organizer defines the qualities, but the default qualities given are based on job titles if you do not edit them.
    Next you go to ‘Copy Link’ This copies the group link into your buffer. If you’re on desktop you just paste your link anywhere you wish to share it online, via email, maybe you have an email list, or via social media post, website, or even as a pinned post on your facebook group or linkedin group so people can automatically join it. — If you do this via mobile you can text this link to people that have a smart phone.
    This link would look like this
    Members follow this link, fill out a profile and their match criteria. Members are instructed that they get 1-2 emails a week introducing them to people within the group.
    The organizer then gets to email their followers any time, an organizer gets to create events and people RSVP via the email they get. Members get to see each other via a directory and can connect to other social media on each other’s profiles via the directory.
    —- So in the example of an Automotive Business, they could use this as a way to keep in touch with people ( like an email list ) but also as a way to add value to people. Why not make a ‘Car Enthusiast’ Group. Each person they sell a car to the sales representative could ask them if they wanted to belong to an invite- only group? That member is emailed a link to this group. Then 1-2 times a week that person gets an email introducing them to other local people that just bought a car at that dealership or the surrounding area. The criteria that could be defined for matches could include specific makes/models of cars, but could also include personal hobbies and interests. Maybe someone drives a Honda but also likes fishing. My Network Builder would match those who drive Hondas and like fishing together.
    My Network Builder allows members/users to build their networks so when you match with people you can see their social media and connect that way, thus building your own contact database over time.
    The organizer at any time can export this email list they have built to a csv spreadsheet. Members cannot.

    Have Additional Questions? We’d love to chat.
    Fill out this form below and our team will be in touch.